“I can’t sit through another shitty meeting!”
This week I was sitting with an impressive client – she has a resume a mile long and is one of the most sought after experts in her field. Despite the credentials she had hanging b ...more
This week I was sitting with an impressive client – she has a resume a mile long and is one of the most sought after experts in her field. Despite the credentials she had hanging b ...more
This is the first installment in a 3-part series, where Robin Adwar shares the effects of obtaining, maintaining, and retaining under-performing employees as compared to top-perfor ...more
Over the past few weeks the constant theme that arose in my coaching sessions is the need for role clarity. Much of the conversation is about the fact that people don’t feel as pro ...more
In today’s technologically driven world, body language is more important than ever when facing one-on-one or group human interactions. When communicating through emails, Facebook m ...more
Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstance. – Bruce Barton Every month, I sit down and coa ...more
Imagine the typical 9:00am status meeting. Some people are finishing up a bite to eat, others are running to print last minute copies – there is chatter about weekends and cumberso ...more